During a home inspection in Brevard, the other day the home had a clothes dryer that vented to the attic space. While inspecting the roof, I observed there was not an exhaust vent on the roof. This could only mean one thing…… the dryer duct was venting in to the attic space. Here are some pictures of the lint accumulation in the attic space. This dryer duct terminated somewhere under the insulation and has been this way since the home was built. Not only is this a fire hazard, it also puts all the water vapor from the drying process in to the attic space. If your dryer vents through the roof, you should have it cleaned annually. Not only will this improve your dryer efficiency, it will reduce the chances of a fire too.
Call Firehouse Dryer Duct Cleaning to schedule your next duct cleaning – www.firehousedryerductcleaning.com

A huge handful of dryer lint!

Lint accumulation all over the attic!